In today’s market, targeting women with your marketing efforts is not just a smart move—it’s one of the smartest moves a business owner can make. Women are the driving force behind consumer spending, encompassing a vast range of products and services, which makes marketing to women an important part of your overall marketing plan. However, simply tinting your products pink won’t cut it when it comes to capturing the attention of these savvy consumers.

The numbers speak for themselves. According to a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting women-focused businesses, women contribute approximately $32 trillion to global consumer expenditures annually. This immense purchasing power highlights the importance of understanding and catering to the needs of female consumers.

  • In the United States, women control 85% of all consumer dollars.
  • They are increasingly responsible for significant purchases across various sectors, including 93% of food and over-the-counter medication purchases, 92% of vacations, 91% of new homes, 89% of bank accounts, 80% of healthcare expenditures, 66% of PCs, and 65% of new car purchases.

Furthermore, data from Mindshare/Ogilvy & Mather reveals that women are eager to share stories about their purchases, with 92% of respondents stating that they engage in such conversations. This is compelling evidence of women’s influential role in shaping consumer trends.

However, despite these remarkable figures, there remains a gap in respect and understanding between businesses and advertising agencies toward female customers. The way women are typically portrayed in advertising often reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of their mindset, as emphasized in the book “Brandsplaining: Why Marketing Is (Still) Sexist and How to Fix It.”

Unsurprisingly, 91% of women feel that commercials fail to grasp their perspective, according to Yankelovich Monitor and Greenfield Online data. While this statistic may frustrate women who feel unheard and disregarded, it presents a unique opportunity for forward-thinking companies to develop marketing techniques that capitalize on this untapped potential.

Marketing to women extends beyond product color choices. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all formula for success, businesses seeking to regain the trust and loyalty of female consumers can avoid inevitable mistakes.

Key Ideas for Marketing to Women

Here are five key ideas to make your products or services more appealing to educated women:

  1. Avoid stereotypes: Recognize that women are diverse and do not fit into a single mold. Acknowledge their individuality by crafting marketing messages that resonate with various demographics, taking into account factors such as location, age, and life experiences.
  2. Move beyond pink: While understanding the psychology of colors can enhance sales to women, avoid the simplistic approach of merely using pink. Invest in comprehensive research to discover the colors that resonate best with your target audience and align with your brand identity.
  3. Embrace inclusiveness and diversity: Women come in all shades, shapes, and sizes. Ensure your marketing efforts reflect this diversity by showcasing real women with relatable stories and experiences. Create detailed customer personas to demonstrate that you understand their unique needs and preferences.
  4. Challenge gender stereotypes: Break barriers by addressing sensitive topics that women commonly face, such as hormone imbalances, menopause, and aging. Demonstrating empathy and understanding can foster stronger connections and loyalty among female consumers.
  5. Harness the power of storytelling: Effective storytelling is vital for long-term marketing success, particularly when targeting women. Craft narratives that combine emotional resonance with comprehensive information, as women are more likely to respond to a mix of both. Additionally, focus on building relationships with women who already trust your business and leverage authentic endorsements to attract new customers.

Even if your business has been slow to adapt to these marketing strategies, there is always time to make improvements. If you have questions about how to strengthen your marketing to the female market, please contact us. Our team welcomes the opportunity to be a resource to you and your team.